Thursday, February 25, 2016

Law enforcement reform

On tuesday morning, February 25th, an aggressive, unstable man armed with a machete was shot down in Houston for attempting to attack an officer. While justified as self defense The Houston Chronicle questions if there was any way to prevent this in their article "Police Rethinking". The article argues that while understandable, incidents like this one happen too often across the nation; and while it's unclear if this specific incident could have been prevented, a future, similar incident can be prevented. The article goes on to comment on recent law enforcement attempts to implement methods used to defuse tense situations without the use of violence- and while it's possible that those methods were used here, a man is still dead. I don't believe that this article is geared towards a specific target audience, though I do think that it  was written to bring up the topic of the need for change in current law enforcement methods and to supply another example of why it's so necessary. The author of the article isn't clearly stated, however, considering the fact that the article is in a large news outlet and the piece presents a relatively common opinion, I would consider this article to be credible. Additionally, I appreciate the fact that the article takes a step back from the heated topic regarding police officers- the recent support, or lack of support for law enforcement has become what feels like a large pissing contest and instead of participating in that the article acknowledges the solemnity of the fact that a life was lost. The article then concludes by again expressing the immediate need for reform, leaving the reader with undeniable fact that we can do better.

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