Friday, May 13, 2016

Medical Mishaps- End-of-Life Planning

A career in the medical field is demanding to say the least- especially involving emergency and life threatening treatments. However those treatments come hand in hand with the necessity for end-of-life planning, which can be difficult to approach for many physicians. As explored in Bertha Juarez' post "Doctors struggle with end-of-life talks", many physicians come unprepared and often ignore or delay this important topic- which can obviously be problematic; and if the physicians responsible for caring for individual patients are to assist in end-of-life planning, then that aspect of treatment definitely needs some improvement. Though, while I agree with Bertha's notion that this improvement doesn't lie in the payroll of the physicians, I feel that there definitely needs to be some additional allocation of resources towards the end-of-life planning aspect of the hospitalization process.

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